Welcome to the Online Grading Center

    New Customers

    Please click on the New User Registration link in right navigation to register for a Checkpoint Learning user account. This will automatically give you access to all features of the Online Grading Center.

    About Online Grading

    The Online Grading Center provides access to exams for self-study courses. You can complete these courses, receive real time test results and print your CPE certificate with a simple mouse click. The Online Grading Center retains all of your certificates and exam results for retrieval at anytime. Features include:

    •  Around the Clock Grading:

    Final exams can now be submitted for grading any time day or night and you get immediate results. Once you successfully complete the final exam your certificate of completion can be printed.

    •  No Express Grading Fees:

    Only a nominal grading fee is charged for online exams. Grading is immediate with no additional charge.

    •  Easy Access to CPE Course Certificates:

    Retrieve and print any and all CPE course certificates for successfully completed Online Grading Center print-based courses.


    Buy any 3 Online Grading Exams in a single transaction and automatically receive a 5% discount, buy any 4 Online Grading Exams in a single transaction and automatically receive a 10% discount, or buy any 5 or more Online Grading Exams in a single transaction and automatically receive a 15% discount.

    For help using the Online Grading Center, call 844-245-5970.