Checkpoint Learning

Course Detail

Quarterly SEC and PCAOB Update  

CATEGORY: Accounting & Auditing
1 CPE Credits
Level: Update
This webinar provides the participant with an overview of the recent and proposed SEC and PCAOB regulatory actions related to accounting and auditing for public companies. Specifically, the webinar covers recent SEC proposed rules, final rules, other orders and notices, and staff interpretations. It also covers recent regulatory activities of the PCAOB including proposed releases and final releases related to: auditing standards, ethics and independence standards, quality control standards and attestation standards; and, PCAOB guidance related to these standards, including: concept and other releases, proposed other releases, results of recent PCAOB Inspection reports, Staff Audit Practice Alerts, and Staff FAQ’s.

Who should attend: PCAOB Auditors, SEC Registrants, CPA’s with an interest in staying current with the constantly changing SEC and PCAOB regulatory requirements and looking for opportunities to grow in the area(s) of public company accounting and or auditing to help comply with and advise clients on current topics.

Instructor: Lowell Jobe, CPA
Instructor assignments are fluid and subject to change.

Registration for this event has ended. Please either [search] for an open course or event or contact a salesperson at 844.245.5970 for more information or other options.

Accreditation Information

Learning objectives

Course outline
