Checkpoint Learning

    Course Detail

    Avoiding the Pitfalls of Form 1099  

    CATEGORY: Taxation
    COURSE ID: CL1099, VERSION 8.00
    1 2 3 4 5
      Online & Mobile
    1 CPE Credits
    Level: Basic

    Forms 1099 are a vital part of IRS matching and should be taken seriously. Penalties for not doing so can vary depending on how long past the deadline the company issues the form. There are many different types of 1099 forms that taxpayers can receive during tax time. These variants are based on the income source. It is imperative that business owners and taxpayers understand which Form 1099 is appropriate in their particular situation as well as the proper way of completing the form. This course reviews the various types of 1099 forms available and introduces the TIN Matching system, a web-based verification system provided by the IRS.

    Because tax form recipient copies must be mailed in envelopes marked Official Tax Document Enclosed, mailed copies of W-2 and 1099 forms are an easy target for identity theft and provide the perfect opportunity for identity thieves to quickly steal their victims' most vulnerable information. This course reviews what businesses can do to reduce such happenings.

    This course is most beneficial to professionals new to Form 1099 who may be at the staff or entry level in an organization but also for a seasoned professional with limited exposure to this subject.

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