
Course Detail

AuditWatch University - Beyond In-Charge - Taking the Next Step (Live Online Seminar)  

CATEGORY: Accounting & Auditing, Management, Personal Development
  Live Online Seminar
24 CPE Credits

This course prepares experienced auditors to take the next step in their development as engagement and firm leaders. Building on the concepts introduced in Experienced In-Charge Training, the course challenges auditors to champion the audit process by developing and implementing efficient audit plans, managing the audit process, working with clients and dealing with complex accounting and audit issues. Course material also addresses key issues in performing review and compilation engagements, using special purpose frameworks, and recognizing advanced financial reporting and auditing issues.

Click here for the AuditWatch home page.

To inquire about Private, In-House Training for your firm call + 1 330 207 6232.

For all other questions regarding the Public AuditWatch Seminars, please contact 800 431 9025

Registration for this event has ended. Please either [search] for an open course or event or contact a salesperson at 844.245.5970 for more information or other options.

Accreditation Information

Learning objectives

Course outline
