- NY Credits : 9.0
- TX Credits : 9.0
Checkpoint Learning
Course Detail
This course provides a comprehensive and clear explanation of Standards for Accounting and Review Services (SSARS) for performing compilation and review services. The course discusses issues that accountants typically have with these types of engagements. Examples are integrated throughout the course. Disclosure and reporting requirements are also presented. This intermediate level course is most appropriate for the professional with detailed knowledge in this topic or the professional seeking to expand his or her knowledge base and who may be at a mid-level position within an organization with operational or supervisory responsibilities, or both.
Corporate Financial Reporting Issues
Corporate Financial Reporting Issues begins with an overview and purpose of financial repo...
7 credits
Online and Mobile Courses
Single Audits Under the Uniform Guidance
This course details the use and implementation of the Single Audit from the proposal and p...
5 credits
Online and Mobile Courses
PCAOB Auditing Standards - Audit of Effectiveness of I/C over Fin Rep
This course reviews the requirements of performing an integrated audit of a public company...
7 credits
Online and Mobile Courses
Preparing Personal Financial Statements
This course is a guide to nailing down and retaining the facts about the preparation of pe...
5 credits
Online and Mobile Courses