Checkpoint Learning

Course Detail

Performing Efficient Compliance Audits of Defined Contribution Pension Plans  

CATEGORY: Accounting & Auditing
4 CPE Credits
Since regulators are concerned about compliance with ERISA, DOL and IRS rules, in an audit of a defined contribution pension plan auditors need to focus on two issues: (1) what constitutes noncompliance and how noncompliance might occur; and (2) what testing is required to determine if there is noncompliance. Designed for experienced auditors of defined contribution pension plans this webinar outlines an efficient approach to audits of employee benefit plans in compliance with DOL requirements and the AICPA Audit and Accounting Guide: Employee Benefit Plans. Discussion will focus on common deficiencies in examining contributions, distributions, participant data, investments, and prohibited transactions. The webinar will outline the changes in the audit procedures and the auditor’s report required by SAS No. 136.

Who should attend: Senior professionals responsible for the auditing and or accounting for defined contribution benefit plans. Professionals working with the auditors performing the audit of their company’s defined contribution benefit plan may also find this webinar insightful.

Instructor: Susan Longo, CPA, MBA
Instructor assignments are fluid and subject to change.

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Accreditation Information

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Course outline
