Gear Up: Customer Policies

    • All Gear Up courses require a basic knowledge of federal tax laws and/or accounting fundamentals, and provide the latest comprehensive updates of each course topic covered. There are no other prerequisites or advanced preparation required to take courses.
    • NASBA's National Registry of CPE Sponsors has standards for program development to ensure quality. Many state boards of accountancy recognize these standards. All Gear Up courses are in compliance with NASBA's requirements. If you have any questions, please contact your individual state board.

    "Self-Study" Courses:

    • • 30-day money back guarantee on Gear Up self-study courses.
    • Notice: Manuals distributed and programs presented by Gear Up are designed to assist professionals by providing accurate, authoritative and current information in regard to the subject matter covered. However, Gear Up does not have any responsibility if human and/or mechanical error does exist. Accordingly, no assurance is given by Gear Up that such information is comprehensive in its coverage of such subject matter. Information published or provided by Gear Up should not be relied upon as a substitute for independent research to original sources of authority. Gear Up, its authors, and instructors do not render legal, accounting, or other professional advice. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought.

    Instructor Led Seminars:

    • Gear Up Seminar Registration: The Checkpoint Learning Search Courses Tab feature enables purchases of Gear Up seminars and conferences. After purchase, you can view your live event registrations on the Homeroom Tab of your Checkpoint Learning account. Please call the number listed for transfer, cancellation, and auxiliary aids information.
    • Transfers/Cancellations:

      The cancellation policy below affords you the flexibility to confidently pursue the education you need. This cancellation policy is in effect until 12/31/2024. After that date, we will either revise or extend the policy.

      If When Then
      Gear Up cancels an in-person event 5+ business days before event date • Change to virtual event at no charge (receive a refund of difference between price of in-person and virtual event).
      • Apply purchase credit to another Gear Up Learning program.
      • Receive a full refund.
      -Airline / hotel fees are subject to their policies.
      Gear Up cancels a virtual event 5+ business days before event date • Change to a different virtual event of equivalent price at no charge (pending availability).
      • Change to a different virtual event of a different price at no charge (pending availability), and receive a refund for price difference, if applicable.
      • Apply purchase credit to a Gear Up Self-Study course and receive a refund for price difference.
      • Receive a full refund.
      Gear Up reschedules virtual event date 5+ business days before event date • Accept new date at no charge.
      • Change to a different virtual event of equivalent price at no charge (pending availability).
      • Apply purchase credit to a Gear Up Self-Study course and receive a refund for price difference.
      • Receive a full refund.
      You cancel an in-person event 7+ business days before event • Change to a different in-person event of equivalent price at no charge (pending availability).
      • Change to a different in-person event of a different price at no charge (pending availability), and receive a refund for price difference, if applicable.
      • Change to virtual event at no charge (receive a refund of difference between price of in-person and virtual event).
      • Apply purchase credit to a Gear Up Self-Study course and receive a refund for price difference.
      You cancel an in-person event Fewer than 7 business days before event (no refunds) • Change to virtual event (pending availability).
      • Apply purchase credit to a Gear Up Self-Study course.
      You cancel a virtual event 7+ business days before event • Change to a different virtual event of equivalent price at no charge (pending availability).
      • Change to a different virtual event of a different price at no charge (pending availability), and receive a refund for price difference, if applicable.
      • Apply purchase credit to a Gear Up Self-Study course and receive a refund for price difference.
      You cancel a virtual event Fewer than 7 business days before event (no refund) • Change to a different virtual event of equivalent price at no charge (pending availability).
      • Apply purchase credit to a Gear Up Self-Study course.

    Complaints: For more information regarding Gear Up administrative policies including complaints and refunds, please contact our office at 844-245-5970.