Reqwired learning management tools within the Checkpoint Learning platform guide firms through the process of offering and administering in-house learning opportunities. While robust enough for any type of learning event, our LMS is uniquely suited for CPE-accredited courses. Employees will value the simplicity of searching, registering for, and where applicable, launching classes through the intuitive learner interface. Administrators will value the time-saving tools for each aspect of in-house education.


Learners can browse the university course calendar and register for courses or register for courses directly from email invitations. Registrants receive email confirmation with downloadable appointments that are ready for import into personal calendaring software like Outlook and Lotus Notes.

Reqwired Learning Screenshot
Other features include:

  • Registration caps and waitlists
  • Preformatted and customizable sign-in sheets
  • Post-course evaluations
  • Electronic attendance certificates
  • Name tags and name tents
  • Course material storage



CPE Tracking & Compliance | Managing In-House Seminars | Beyond CPE Compliance

Call 800.231.1860 today to learn more about the powerful learning management tools available on Checkpoint Learning!