Gear Up

Course Detail

1040 Individual Tax - 2022 (Live Online Seminar)  

CATEGORY: Taxation
  Live Online Seminar
16 CPE Credits
Level: Basic
This comprehensive course covers key tax issues for completing complicated individual returns, including in-depth coverage of recent legislation, case law developments, and relevant notices, announcements, revenue rulings and procedures to help the busy practitioner stay current. Speakers are all practicing preparers who share practical tips to help you get ready for this tax season.

Course coverage includes:
  • Resolving issues of K-2 and K-3
  • Impacts of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 including the changes to credits and deductions for energy and electric vehicles
  • Potential impacts of “Secure Act 2.0”
  • Reporting changes for information returns
  • Necessary steps to avoid preparer penalties
  • Changes to education credits and deductions, and evaluate rules associated with debt discharge
  • Tax years that are now subject to the IRC Sec. 461(l) loss limitation rules for noncorporate taxpayers
  • Complications of real estate ownership including the new rules of IRA 2022
  • Virtual currency transactions
  • Other timely topics
CFP Board accepted. Qualifies for CFP credit.

The Gear Up 2022 in-person seminar offerings are being held in a limited number of select locations. For a listing of all Gear Up sponsored in-person events click here.

We partner with sponsoring state associations to provide both live, in-person, and online seminars. To learn where you may reach your local partners click here.

Transfers/Cancellations - In light of the ongoing COVID-19 situation, our cancellation policy affords you the flexibility to confidently pursue the education you need. Click here for policy details. Does not apply to association or society events. 

This comprehensive Gear Up course covers key tax issues for completing complicated individual returns, including in-depth coverage of recent legislation, case law developments, and relevant notices, announcements, revenue rulings and procedures to help the busy practitioner stay current.

Going virtual has never been easier and a better value!

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Registration for this event has ended. Please either [search] for an open course or event or contact a salesperson at 844-245-5970 for more information or other options.

Accreditation Information

Learning objectives

Course outline
